Wednesday, January 13, 2016

"My Expectations"

As spring rolls in the new year, I am excited for what the new school year has to offer!. I am excited to push myself to new heights and limits. I will admit, for the past couple of days, I have been doubting myself to see whether or not if I were truly passionate about the CS field, come to find out, I see that I DO have the potential to be really great in this field, it was just that I wasn't in the right mindset. After meditating and coming to terms with myself, I realized that the more that I have tried to escape from CS, the more I gravitated towards CS. For some reason, I can't seem to shake off this innate attraction to the field, and for that reason, I have finally come to terms with myself that I DO belong in CS. I know that with hard work, consistency, passion, and motivation; I can flourish. My expectations for this year is to be immersed in CS. I am happy to know that I will have the chance to create real-world projects that will eventually develop into my portfolio that I can show off to prospective employers as well as my friends and family. I expect to work harder than ever before to prove to myself that whatever I put my mind to, I can not only achieve but I can also impress prospective employers and instructors alike. I am excited for what this semester has to offer, honestly what I am even more excited about is that I finally came to term with myself and know for a fact that I have enough confidence to do this!. What really closed the deal for me when was when I thought this to myself "what was the deciding factor that made me pursue a career in Computer Science...?".
It was looking at this picture that made me realize that Computer Science is DOES play a huge impact on our economy, and I want to be a part of that movement that can positively impact our society of today and of tomorrow....

Thursday, January 7, 2016

"My love for CSπŸ˜πŸ’»☺️😈"

For some people, it is easy for them to figure out what they want to be for the rest of their lives. I applaud them, I think that is wonderful. However, for most people, myself included have struggled figuring our what they want to be in life. Ever since early childhood, I have always been surrounded by medicine. With my mom being a nurse and my father signing me up for schools with magnet programs, specifically the medical program, you can say that I had everything that I needed to enter in the vast world of medicine. I was always a curious girl, I always loved to asked questions and I always found myself trying to solve puzzles. One of my favorite games as a matter of fact was trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle. I just always found it fascinating how all the pieces can all just come together and form one big picture. It wasn't until I got into college when I started to find out who I really was. I knew that I didn't want to be a nurse, don't get me wrong, I believe that nursing is a great profession for those who really want make a difference in the medical field, however, I felt as though I could make a difference in another field. It wasn't until I spoke to a longtime friend of mines, she was a real brainiac, she still is. I was texting her one night and I asked her what was her major. She told me that it was "Computer Science". I did not know what that was, I have never even heard of "Computer Science" when I was in High School. I automatically googled and researched and I instantly feel in love with it, for I felt like I have finally found my major. It had every single component of what I want to do in my career. I feel as though Computer Science is not only a well-respected discipline that intersects the  various areas of design, mathematics, engineering, and theory but also allows someone to be as creative and imaginative as they want while staying within the compounds of rules, logic, and structure. I believe that there is no other field that can do that. I have noticed that Computer Science is such a big part of our world, truth to be told, I feel as though we can't live without it. I always told myself that I want to make a huge difference in the world while being able to be creative and free(most of the time lol) and I feel as though Computer Science will enable me to do that. Even though there has been time and time again of where I felt that I didn't belong in CS, I am so glad that I have listened to my conscience and decided to stay.